About Us
Read about Reality's Directors, their background, Reality fees, sponsoring and support

The Team
Ted & Jan Erswell head up Reality Counselling Services. They trained in industry, transferring their counselling experience to the public sector and were the founders of the Well Counselling Centre. They opened Reality in 2003. Their work as counsellors, mediators, trainers and supervisors is well established in the South East. They are recognised for their ability to bring enormous insight into people’s lives and situations; empowering them to develop personally and to adopt the relational skills needed to flourish and grow successful futures. Reality is a Christian based service. Any Counsellors who work at Reality are trained in secular counselling models and do not directly bring their faith into the counselling model unless requested to do so.
How Much Does Reality Counselling cost?
Our sessions are usually 75 mins long which represent good value as most therapists offer 50 or 60 mins for their sessions. The market value of a Reality Counselling Session is £55 and £65 for couples. We are able to offer bursary concessions dependant upon individual circumstances. If you are unable to meet the market value for your sessions, please discuss this with your counsellor.
Training and Supervision Services - Please contact
Reality Life skills Coaching - Sessions cost £55.
Supporting Reality
Should anyone wish to financially support the Reality Bursary fund please contact us directly.